
The collection of BCSC

The safes at BCSC currently hold over 7,000 original plates and drawings. BCSC also conserves items from the personal archives of several comic strip authors and is always interested in taking care of donations that professionnals wish to entrust to it.


Conservation of art works

BCSC takes care of the good conservation of its collection in accordance with the preventive conservation standarts whether in its conservation area or in its exhibitions. As such, BCSC actively collaborates with IRPA (Royal Institue for Cultural Heritage).


Digitalization of the art works

Conservation and diffusion of the art works also includes their digitalization. BCSC possesses all the necessary equipment (A2 scanner and servers) to allow it to digitize all the works entrusted to it, whether for the duration of a temporary exhibition or for long-term storage in its permanent collection.

This service is available to comic strip authors and other eligible persons wishing to make use of it.

Fees for the documentation and digitalization services are available on demand.


© 2024 — Comic Art Museum - Brussels

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